作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2021年10月19日 09:15 浏览次数:


















美国岩石力学学会(ARMA)会员;Advance in Civil Engineering期刊客座编辑;担任FuelInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining ScienceRock Mechanics and Rock EngineeringJournal of Natural Gas Science and EngineeringProcess Safety and Environmental Protection等十多个国内外专业期刊同行评审专家。




3.煤矿国重访问学者基金Investigation of Violent Coal Failure in Sorbing Gas Environment and Its Implication in Gas-Coal Outburst Control主研2019

4.NSF CBET Fluid Dynamics program国国家自然基金项目Characterization and Modeling of Multi-mechanistic Flow Behaviors from Nano- to Macro-scale in Shale Matrix研究骨干,2016-2019



1. 矿井瓦斯抽采漏风数值模拟软件2021SR0642222

2. 煤中气体扩散系数数值反演计算软件2021SR0623959

3. 26随机多裂纹生成软件2020SR0104620

4. 裂纹形态参数计算软件2020SR0184485

5. 双重孔隙煤体瓦斯多尺度流动数值模拟2019SR0184540

6. 煤矿采空区瓦斯运移数值模拟软件2019SR0338551

7. 煤中瓦斯吸附解吸分析预测2019SR0326547

8. 煤层瓦斯抽采数值模拟软件2019SR0582938

9. 一种煤层多级增透强化装置及瓦斯抽采系统202121083659.X



1. Peng Liu, Ang Liu, Shimni Liu, et al. Experimental evaluation of ultrasound treatment induced pore structure and gas desorption behavior alterations of coal. Fuel, 2021, 307:121855.

2. Peng Liu*, Long Fan, Jinyang Fan, et al. Effect of water content on the induced alteration of pore morphology and gas sorption/diffusion kinetics in coal with ultrasound treatment. Fuel, 2021,306:121752.

3. Peng Liu*, Jinyang Fan, Deyi Jiang. Laboratory measurement of permeability evolution behaviors induced by non-sorbing/sorbing gas depletion in coal using pulse-decay method. Transport in Porous Media, 2021, 10.1007/s11242-021-01681-4.

4. Peng Liu*, Ang Liu, Fangxiang Zhong, et al. Pore/fracture structure and gas permeability alterations induced by ultrasound treatment in coal and its application to enhanced coalbed methane recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021,205:108862.

5. Peng Liu*, Jinyang Fan, Deyi Jiang, et al. Evaluation of underground coal gas drainage performance: mine site measurements and sensitivity analysis of fracture-matrix interaction parameters. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2021,148:711-723.

6. Ang Liu, Shimni Liu, Peng Liu, et al. The role of sorption-induced coal matrix shrinkage on permeability and stress evolutions under replicated in situ condition for CBM reservoirs. Fuel, 2021,294:120530.

7. Yanfei Kang, Jinyang Fan, Peng Liu*, et al. Permeability evolution in tectonic coal: the roles of moisture and pressurized water-injection. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology,2021,11(4):633-646.

8. Ang Liu, Shimni Liu, Peng Liu, et al. Water sorption on coal: effects of oxygen-containing function groups and pore structure. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40789-021-00424-6

9. Ang Liu, Peng Liu*, Shimin Liu. Gas diffusion coefficient estimation of coal: A dimensionless numerical method and its experimental validation. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2020; 162:120336.

10. Jinyang Fan, Peng Liu*, Jiajun Li, Deyi Jiang. A coupled methane/air flow model for coal gas drainage: Model development and finite-difference solution. Process Safety and Environment protection 2020;141:288-304.

11. Peng Liu*, Yongdong Jiang, Boxue Fu. A novel approach to characterize gas flow behaviors and air leakage mechanisms in fracture-matrix coal around in-seam drainage borehole. Int J Nat Gas Sci Eng 2020; 77:103243.

12. Ang Liu, Shimin Liu, Hou X, Peng Liu*. Transient gas diffusivity evaluation and modeling for methane and helium in coal. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2020;159:120091.

13. Peng Liu*, Shimin Liu, Guangzhi Yin, 2019. A numerical approach to upgrade the estimation of gas diffusion coefficient in coal matrix. The 53th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, NY, 2019. Paper 19-1847.

14. Peng Liu, Yueping Qin, Shimin Liu. Non-linear gas desorption and transport behaviors in coal matrix: Experiments and Numerical Modeling. Fuel, 2018, 214:1-13.

15. Peng Liu, Yueping Qin, Shimin Liu. Numerical Modeling of Gas Flow in Coal Using a Modified Dual-Porosity Model: A Multi-Mechanistic Approach and Finite Difference Method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(1):2863-2880.

16. 刘鹏,秦跃平,.基于密度驱动模型的非线性瓦斯吸附研究:实验与数值解算[J].煤炭学报,2018, 43(3):735-742.

17. 秦跃平,刘鹏*,郝永江.煤体双重孔隙瓦斯双渗流模型及无因次解算[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36(1):43-52.

18. 秦跃平,刘鹏*.煤层瓦斯流动模型简化计算误差分析[J].中国矿业大学学报,2016, 45(1):19-26.

19. 秦跃平,刘鹏*,刘伟,郝永江,杨银磊.双重介质煤体钻孔瓦斯双渗流模型及数值解算[J].中国矿业大学学报, 2016, 45(6):1111-1117.

20. 秦跃平,刘鹏*.煤粒瓦斯吸附规律的实验研究及数值分析[J].煤炭学报,2015, 40(4):749-753.
